Blown To Bits

Life, Liberty, and Happiness: The Course for Everyone

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008 by Harry Lewis

This fall, Ken and I will be teaching a course in the Harvard Extension School based on our book with Hal Abelson. The course is called Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion (click on the title to go to the course web site). We’re teaching it in one two-hour class every Monday 5:30-7:30. It is also going to be available as a “distance course,” so anyone anywhere could take it.

We’ve already posted the syllabus on the course web site. The course will be a ton of fun to teach. We will cover the waterfront of social and legal issues that everyone should know about. No math, either — it’s not the same as the “Quantitative Reasoning” course called Bits we teach in the spring both in the College and by distance through the Extension School.

Comments and queries welcome, either on this site or directly by email to us.

One Response to “Life, Liberty, and Happiness: The Course for Everyone”

  1. areeya Says:

    that’s interesting!