Note: These events are not open to the public, unless we have provided a link to the registration site.
- May 13, 2009, 12:45PM, The University of Hong Kong
- May 6, 2009, Harvard Club of New Jersey (Maplewood)
- March 4, 2009, Harvard Club of Princeton, New Jersey
- February 28, 2009, Harvard Club of Maryland, Baltimore (Harry)
- February 26, 2009, Safari Books Online, Webcast
- Feb 12, 2009, Democracy Now!, television
- January 22, 2009, Back Pages Books, Waltham, MA
- January 16, 2009, Harvard Club of UK, London
- December 11, 2008, Harvard Club of Washington, DC (Harry)
- December 9, 2008, US Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC (Hal)
- December 9, 2009, Harvard Club of Boston (Harry)
- November 25, 2008, Harvard Club of New York City (Harry)
- November 19, 2008, Harvard Club, Albany, NY (Harry)
- November 18, 2008,¬†Intelligence Squared, Rockefeller University, New York, NY (Harry joins Siva Vaidhyanathan and Randal Picker arguing the affirmative in of the motion, “Google violates its ‘Don’t be evil’ motto”; the negative is defended by Esther Dyson, John Battelle, and Jeff Jarvis)
- November 13, 2008. Harvard Club of Research Triangle, Chapel Hill, NC (Harry)
- November 12, 2008, Triad Harvard Club, Greensboro, NC (Harry)
- October 19, 2008, Harvard Club of Central Florida, Orlando (Harry)
- October 3, 2008, Google, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA (Hal, Ken, Harry)
- September 30, 2008, Emily Rooney’s¬†Greater Boston¬†(Hal, Ken, Harry)
- August 19, 2008, Navigate Executive Forum, International Assn. of Privacy Professionals, Portsmouth, NH (Hal and Ken)
- June 26, 2008, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (Harry
- June 27, 2008, Amazon, Seattle, WA (Harry)
- June 25, 2008, Google, Mountain View, CA (Hal and Harry)
- June 22, 2008, Harvard Club of Eastern Michigan (Harry)
- June 18, 2008, Harvard Cooperative Society, Harvard Square (book launch, Ken and Harry)