Blown To Bits


Note: These events are not open to the public, unless we have provided a link to the registration site.

  1. May 13, 2009, 12:45PM, The University of Hong Kong
  2. May 6, 2009, Harvard Club of New Jersey (Maplewood)
  3. March 4, 2009, Harvard Club of Princeton, New Jersey
  4. February 28, 2009, Harvard Club of Maryland, Baltimore (Harry)
  5. February 26, 2009, Safari Books Online, Webcast
  6. Feb 12, 2009, Democracy Now!, television
  7. January 22, 2009, Back Pages Books, Waltham, MA
  8. January 16, 2009, Harvard Club of UK, London
  9. December 11, 2008, Harvard Club of Washington, DC (Harry)
  10. December 9, 2008, US Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC (Hal)
  11. December 9, 2009, Harvard Club of Boston (Harry)
  12. November 25, 2008, Harvard Club of New York City (Harry)
  13. November 19, 2008, Harvard Club, Albany, NY (Harry)
  14. November 18, 2008,¬†Intelligence Squared, Rockefeller University, New York, NY (Harry joins Siva Vaidhyanathan and Randal Picker arguing the affirmative in of the motion, “Google violates its ‘Don’t be evil’ motto”; the negative is defended by Esther Dyson, John Battelle, and Jeff Jarvis)
  15. November 13, 2008. Harvard Club of Research Triangle, Chapel Hill, NC (Harry)
  16. November 12, 2008, Triad Harvard Club, Greensboro, NC (Harry)
  17. October 19, 2008, Harvard Club of Central Florida, Orlando (Harry)
  18. October 3, 2008, Google, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA (Hal, Ken, Harry)
  19. September 30, 2008, Emily Rooney’s¬†Greater Boston¬†(Hal, Ken, Harry)
  20. August 19, 2008, Navigate Executive Forum, International Assn. of Privacy Professionals, Portsmouth, NH (Hal and Ken)
  21. June 26, 2008, Microsoft, Redmond, WA (Harry
  22. June 27, 2008, Amazon, Seattle, WA (Harry)
  23. June 25, 2008, Google, Mountain View, CA (Hal and Harry)
  24. June 22, 2008, Harvard Club of Eastern Michigan (Harry)
  25. June 18, 2008, Harvard Cooperative Society, Harvard Square (book launch, Ken and Harry)